The tub of Diogenes - Бочка Диогена
Diogenes (4th cent. В. C.) w as the most famous of
the Cynic philosophers. His actions were designed to
show how few were m an ’s needs. His dress, later to be
cynic uniform, was that of a vagabond beggar, with
a stick, a wallet for alms and a cloak, which, when doubled, served at night as a blanket. He needed no roof
over his head, and is reputed to have lived in a tub
feeling himself independent of the ordinary necessities
of civilization. A picturesque figure, he became the centre of a legend so that it is hard to distinguish fact
from fable. The story is told that once Alexander of
Macedonia came up to Diogenes sitting in front of his
tub. “ I am Alexander the G reat”, said he to the cynic,
“And I am Diogenes”, replied the philosopher without
so much as raising his head. “W hat can I do for you?”
continued the Emperor. “ Step out of my light”, was the
answer. Alexander is reported to have been delighted
and exclaimed, “ If I were not Alexander the Great Г
would like to be Diogenes.”
The phrase the tub of Diogenes denotes an attempt
to reduce one’s needs to minimum.
1. Кто такой Диоген? 2. Что Диоген стремился доказать своим поведением? 3. Что нам известно об образе жизни Диогена? 4. В сели правдоподобно в рассказах о Диогене? 5. С какими словами, как утверж дает легенда, обратился к Диогену Александр М акедонский? 6. Что, как рассказывают, ответил ему философ? 7. О чем попросил императора Диоген, когда тот предложил ему высказать просьбу? 8. Каково значение выражения бочка Диогена?